In the News
Check out the news coverage on HunterSage nonprofit clients, partners and projects across the U.S.
Despite the pandemic, Live Arts announced a nine-month, re-imagined season of weekly, live-streamed programming that is available to the community on a pay-what-you-can basis. The goal is to lower the economic barriers to theater during a time of social, emotional and financial hardship in the Charlottesville community.
The Live Arts board of directors named Anne Hunter executive director, effective February 3, 2020. Powered by nearly 1,000 volunteers, a dozen employees and 19 devoted board members, Live Arts theater is the largest performing arts organization in Charlottesville, Virginia.
HunterSage strategic partner and micro business mentor Scott Taylor brought down the house at O Povo’s 13th annual Entrepreneurship Seminar in Fortaleza, Brazil in October 2019. Taylor presented 18 tips on how to be a successful business owner to an audience of 1500.
Anne Hunter recently joined the board of IX Art Park, a five-year-old nonprofit in Charlottesville, Virginia that’s all about “possibility and the power of collective creativity.” She will serve a two-year term.
HunterSage opened a second office near Charlottesville in summer 2019 to serve Eastern US clients.
HunterSage strategic partner Scott Taylor will be taking his talents to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia as the next president of The Monroe Institute retreat center.
HunterSage founder Anne Hunter is taking on the part-time role of interim president of the St. Paul-based Minnesota Humanities Center, starting December 3. The assignment is expected to last four-to-six months — or until a full-time president is hired.
Justice Alan Page received the nation’s highest civilian honor in November 2018 for his lifelong work in advancing social justice. He and his beloved wife, who died in October, co-founded the Page Education Foundation, which awards 500 scholarships each year to Minnesota students of color.
BoardSource reports on nonprofit board composition, practices, performance and culture in its 2017 Leading with Intent index.
Two dozen arts organizations and eight peer mentors gathered in Des Moines last spring to build the long-term capacity of the arts in Iowa.
“I appreciate your skill in assuaging angst and bringing order to chaos.”
“Everyone enjoyed the experience and was delighted in how you made the content relevant to a variety of groups.”